Wisdom snippets to think outside the box!

When it comes to subjects relating to showing up as your unique self and what gets in the way of it, I want to inspire into new perspectives. There might be the odd story thrown in between.

This is for the deep thinkers, artists and small business owners, who want to find the courage to share their talents with the world more.
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Anja Kersten, Life Coach & Artist
Chronic illness is a silent beast!
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Chronic illness is a silent beast!

Some of us deal with invisible, chronic illnesses on the daily. Here we shed some light on the challenge, create hopefully a bit more awareness, but also give some much needed hope.

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Which wound is keeping you from becoming more visible?
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Which wound is keeping you from becoming more visible?

The journey towards authentic visibility can be complex. Societal as well as individual issues need to be taken into account. When we have feel unseen as a kid, it often isn’t enough to do a social media course on how to get your audience’s attention…

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Caught in the self improvement circus!
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Caught in the self improvement circus!

When you’re a seeker and a creative soul at the same time, it’s very easy to get caught up in the self improvement circus. The problem is it can take us to an unhealthy pattern where we are stuck in self improving instead of showing up with our work. Let’s have a closer look.

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To follow your own path is hard!
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

To follow your own path is hard!

To follow our own path is hard and can be a lonely undertaking at times. Some of us can’t help it and maybe others find it more important to belong to a community. What’s the gain in following ones own path anyway?

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Our journey to authentic visibility
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Our journey to authentic visibility

Our journey to authentic visibility can be difficult, especially when we are used to being a mirror for others. Not daring to take up enough space to project ourselves into this world. It’s time to make an impact, instead of being impressed upon most of the time.

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Is the ego really all bad?
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Is the ego really all bad?

When it comes to self-improvement and spirituality, the ego often gets a bad wrap, being called out as the nasty one. But is the ego really all bad? Let’s look at the danger of these kind of narratives a little more.

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Selling opinions as truths to get you hooked
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Selling opinions as truths to get you hooked

With all the advice giving influencers out there, it is very easy to get hooked on opinions which are sold to us as ultimate truths. It’s important to apply discernment and to not stop thinking for ourselves. Some problems for sure can’t be solved in ten steps…

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Toxic positivity leads to gaslighting
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Toxic positivity leads to gaslighting

You know those people, who always have their ‘pink glasses’ on, floating on cloud Nr. 9? The constant chase for exalted happiness, while denying our own feelings as well as other peoples struggles is called toxic positivity. Let’s take a closer look and how it leads to gaslighting.

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When we silence ourselves, we pay dearly!
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

When we silence ourselves, we pay dearly!

When we constantly silence ourselves, we pay dearly. Because there’s the danger of not only becoming invisible to the outside, but also to ourselves. We lose sight of who we are and why we matter. Yes, there’s a risk to show up and be seen, but there’s a cost to staying invisible too.

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When you put yourself into someone else’s shoes too much!
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

When you put yourself into someone else’s shoes too much!

You know the saying, ‘To put yourself into someone else’s shoes?’ It’s a way to encourage compassion and understanding. But what we often don’t discuss is, that there’s a downside to putting yourself into someone else’s shoes. Especially if you’re not careful.

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Are you still waiting for the big magic shift in your life?
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Are you still waiting for the big magic shift in your life?

Are you still waiting for the big magic shift in your life? There’s certainly a lot of stories of people waking up the next day and everything has changed. The question is, how healthy is it to solely believe in the myth of the sudden magic shift? Will it really help us to attain our goals?

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Why is this not happening for me…
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Why is this not happening for me…

When we believe everything is possible, it’s very easy to end up with the question: ‘Why is this not happening for me?’ Let’s have a closer look as to why this narrative might not be as healthy as we thought it would be and what might be a better way to say instead.

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Do we really need to awaken?
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Do we really need to awaken?

To awaken or ‘the big awakening’ seems to be a term, which gets thrown around quite a bit. The question is, is that really such a healthy narrative or does it divide people more than anything? What about embracing our humanness instead?

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The pain of becoming visible
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

The pain of becoming visible

Some of us long to come out of hiding and become more visible as an artist or a business, but at the same time feel real trepidation about doing the things necessary to be seen. Let’s dive a little deeper…

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Break the rules once in a while…
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Break the rules once in a while…

Sometimes, it’s good to learn to break the rules a little. Especially when we get too hung up on implementing a new system and we want to follow it to a t, dismissing our own instincts.

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Explore your values for more agency
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Explore your values for more agency

If we want to create more agency in our lives, exploring our values more actively is a good way forward. Especially when we endeavour in combining seemingly contradictive ones, rather than over emphasising one to the detriment of our own integrity.

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Our obsession with growth is troubling
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Our obsession with growth is troubling

Our society has an unhealthy obsession with growth. We need to constantly grow our business and economy. And we are asked to constantly evolve into our better version of ourselves. It’s like a never ending race without finish line. What if we started embracing stagnation more?

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Have you bought into this?
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

Have you bought into this?

Have you ever been told, that you only can feel hurt, if you believe it? Did you buy into that kind of advice or narrative? As a matter of fact, it’s a gaslight. This kind of belief can do more harm than good. In this article I am discussing why.

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How do you deal with your emotions?
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

How do you deal with your emotions?

If we want to feel connected with ourselves, we need to find a healthy way to deal with our emotions. Neither suppressing them nor over indulging in them. Art can play a great part in this, but also imposes a danger…

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What have I done wrong?
Anja Kersten, For A Magic World Anja Kersten, For A Magic World

What have I done wrong?

Many of us get entangled in the self blame labyrinth, where we ask ourselves constantly: ‘What have I done wrong?’ This especially applies to people having been scapegoated a lot or having been growing up in a narcissistic family or both. But there are ways to deal with the self blame and to disentangle.

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